Two months has flown by. I am so thankful for having two months to be a stay-at home mommy. You and I have had fun spending our days playing, eating, and napping.
You smiled your first real smile at me this month and I was so teary-eyed I couldn't even get a good picture. It made my heart melt! You are still loving your swing and you're fascinated by lights and fans. You are beginning to like your activity center more now. You also like to watch TV, mostly baseball & football (your dad is starting you early). We've been practicing holding up your head. Still a little wobbly but you're getting the hang of it.
You created a schedule for yourself. You eat every 3 hours (4 oz. - still mostly breastmilk but also formula before bedtime & at the night time feeding) and you go down about an hour after every meal. Those big blue eyes begin to get heavy around that time and I put you down in your crib for a nap. You don't always think you need a nap, even though you are too tired to keep your eyes open, but you usually wind up falling asleep and the naps last about 30-45 minutes on average. Our bedtime routine is bath, bottle, book, prayers, bed. You still wake up for one night time feeding but you're taking that bottle more slowly each time. Hopefully that means you're getting closer to sleeping all night.
We've had lots of fun outings this month. You were a ringbearer in your Aunt Ashley and Uncle Matt's wedding. You wore the tiniest tux I've ever seen and you were the most handsome fella there, hands down. We also took our first family vacation to the beach and you were awesome! I wrapped you up in the Moby so you wouldn't get sunburned & you were just perfect. Such a little trooper. It was a bittersweet week for Mommy because it was my last week at home with you. We had a great time though. We watched our first Alabama game together at the beach and we're teaching you to say "Roll Tide!" Can't start you early enough :) You are just precious in your Alabama shirt. And you got to meet the Rodden's for the first time. Anna Caroline was so excited to see you and hold you. She has a little brother who'll be here in January so you helped her practice her big sister skills. She was precious holding you.
Anna Caroline and Waylon
wearing your Daddy's outfit to Sunday school at 6 weeks old
2 month stats:
newborn/size 1 diaper
9 pounds 11 ounces
22 1/4 inches
newborn/0-3 months clothes
4 oz bottles (breast milk & formula)
You are growing entirely too fast for my liking but I am so thankful you ARE growing healthy and on target. You are the light of my world, sweet pea, and I look forward to getting up and seeing your sweet little face every morning. You make each day sweeter. Your daddy and I love you so much and we pray for you daily. Happy two months sweet boy! I love you!
Your little man gets cuter and cuter with every post. He's absolutely precious. Best wishes :)